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GSA SER Footprint Editor + 3 listy footprintów

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Wiem, że było ale temat był zrobiony na odwal więc postanowiłem to zrobić tak jak należy.

SER Footprint Editor to narzędzie do prostej edycji plików silników w SERze, a dokładniej dodawanie footprintów - typowych dla enginów wpisów inurl lub na stronie, które wskazują na dany silnik. Footprinty służą do wyszukiwania stron na pożądanych silnikach (contextual itp.).



Oficjalny temat twórcy i supportu (GSA SER forum)


Zanim pokażę co z czym się je, to wypada podać listę footprintów a właściwie 4 listy.


Lista 1

Lista 2

Lista 3

Lista 4

Bonus 4500 footprintów do platformy ZenDesk Download


Jak ktoś ma footprinty do Social Networków (połowy) czy tez Wikis to wrzucajcie, bo tego brakuje w powyższych listach.


Pokażę wam na przykładzie silnika Social Network - Elgg jak to wszystko zrobić


Ekran powitalny wita nas listą i paroma opcjami. Auto Search result checking pokazuje nam na następnej stronie ile wyszukiwań wyników ma dany footprint. Radzę to wyłączyć jeśli wklejamy jakąs większą ilość  bo można wyłapać tymczasowego bana od google za zbyt wiele search queries. Ale jeśli chcemy tego używać to możemy na górze użyć opcji Proxies. Przeciągnąłem silnik Elgg aby go zedytować.






Kolejny ekran wita nas opcją sprawdzania i dodawania/kasowania footprintów. 

Bierzemy footprinty z wyżej podanych lub innych źródeł i klikamy paste.





Tutaj modyfikujemy nazwę silnika i kategorii (polecam, gdy zmienimy na inną, np dodając M od modified, to wskakuje nam nowa kategoria i nowy silnik w niej co powoduje, że GSA nie nadpisuje go swoim plikiem podczas updatu)




I to wszystko, zmiana footprintów napewno pozwoli wam wyscrapować o wiele więcej stron przy pomocy GSA. Jak macie jakieś pytania to śmiało.

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Blog & Article Submission Footprints - Part 1


V-Bulletin Blogs Footprints

"Powered by vBulletin" inurl:"/blogs/"

"Powered by vBulletin" inurl:"/register.php" "Blogs"

"Powered by vBulletin" inurl:"/en/forums/" "Blogs"

"Powered by vBulletin" inurl:"/blogs/all/"

"Powered by vBulletin" inurl:"/blogs/" "register"

inurl:"/forums/register.php" "Powered by vBulletin" "Blogs"

Buddypress Footprints

"Proudly powered by WordPress and BuddyPress" inurl:/groups/

"Proudly powered by WordPress and BuddyPress" inurl:/member-directory/

"Proudly powered by WordPress and BuddyPress" inurl:"/social/activity/"

inurl:"/activity/" "Proudly powered by WordPress and BuddyPress"

"Proudly powered by WordPress and BuddyPress" "Please create an account to get started"

"Proudly powered by WordPress and BuddyPress" inanchor:"create an account"

inurl:"/social/register/" "Proudly powered by WordPress and BuddyPress"

Drupal Footprints

"Powered by Drupal" inurl:"/content/" "Register"

"Powered by Drupal" inurl:"/content/" "Create new account"

"Powered by Drupal" inurl:"/node/"

"Powered by Drupal" inurl:"/user/register"

Social Networking Platforms Foot Prints


ELGG Footprints:

"Powered By Elgg"

inurl:"/social/register" "powered by Elgg"

inurl:"/groups/profile/" "powered by Elgg"

inurl:"/discussion/view/" "powered by Elgg"

PHPFOX Footprints:

"powered by phpfox" inurl:/user/register/

"powered by phpfox" inurl:"/index.php?do=/"

"powered by phpfox" inurl:"/index.php?do=/blog/"

"powered by phpfox" "sign+up+and+start+using"

"powered by phpfox" inurl:"/blog/" "Signup"


OXWALL Footprints:

Do Follow Oxwall Links:

"Oxwall Community Software" inurl:/user/

"Oxwall Community Software" inurl:"/join"

"Oxwall Community Software" "Sign Up! It's free and always will be."

"Oxwall Community Software" "Register your profile" "User photo" "Terms of use"

"Oxwall Community Software" "Register your profile" "Captcha"

inurl:"/oxwall/blogs" "Oxwall Community Software"

No Follow Oxwall Links:

" Social Network Builder" inurl:"/join"

" Social Network Builder"

" Social Network Builder" "Register"

JCOW Footprints:

intitle:"powered by jcow"

"Powered by Jcow" inurl:"/index.php?p=member/login"

"Powered by Jcow" inurl:"/index.php?p=member/signup"

"Powered by Jcow" inurl:"/index.php?p=member/signup" -"Sorry, this community is invite-only"


"Powered by Jcow" "Sign up"

"Powered by Jcow" "Passport" "Rules & Conditions"

"Powered by Jcow" inurl:"/blogs/viewstory/"

"Powered by Jcow" inurl:"/member/signup" -"Sorry, currently we are not accepting new members"

inurl:"/blogs/viewstory/" "Sign up"

inurl:"/jcow/member/signup" "Signup Now"

Wiki Platform Foot Prints Part - I


Mediawiki Foot Prints:

inurl:/index.php?title=Special:UserLogin&type=signup "Powered by MediaWiki"

"Log in / create account" "Powered by MediaWiki"

"Powered by MediaWiki" "Username" "password" "E-mail" "Real name is optional"

"Log in / create account" "Powered by MediaWiki" "-You must have cookies enabled"

"Powered by MediaWiki" "create an account"

"Powered by MediaWiki" inurl:"/registry/register.php"

"Powered by MediaWiki" "Create a new account"

inurl:"index.php?title=Special:UserLogin" "Powered by MediaWiki"

inurl:"/index.php?title=" "Powered by MediaWiki"


WikkaWiki Foot Prints:

"Powered by wikkawiki" "RecentChanges" "Login/Register"

"Powered by wikkawiki" inurl:"/UserSettings" "-Enter invitation code" "If you are signing up as a new user:"

"Powered by wikkawiki" inurl:"/UserSettings" "If you are signing up as a new user:"

inurl:"/RecentChanges" "Powered by wikkawiki"

"Powered by wikkawiki" "RecentChanges" "Login/Register" "-No login allowed" inurl:"/UserSettings"

"Powered by wikkawiki" "RecentChanges" "Login/Register" "-Enter the invitation code"

inurl:"/wiki/UserSettings" "Powered by wikkawiki" "RecentChanges" "Login/Register" "-Enter the invitation code"

inurl:"/wikka/UserSettings" "-Please request login from"

inurl:"/RecentlyCommented" "Powered by wikkawiki" "Login/Register"

"Powered by wikkawiki" inurl:"/PageIndex" "Login/Register"

inurl:"/CategoryCategory" "Powered by wikkawiki" "Login/Register"

MoinMoin Foot Prints:

"MoinMoin Powered" "Python Powered" "please sign in"

"MoinMoin Powered" "Python Powered" "NewAccount"

"MoinMoin Powered" "Python Powered" "Login"

"MoinMoin Powered" "Python Powered" inurl:newaccount

"MoinMoin Powered" "Python Powered" "you can create one now"

TikkiWiki Foot Prints:

inurl:tiki-register.php "powered by tikiwiki"

inurl:"/tiki-index.php" "powered by tikiwiki" "Register"


inurl:/tiki/tiki-index.php "Register"

inurl:/tiki/tiki-login_scr.php "Register"

inurl:"/tiki-register.php" "Register as a new user"

"Powered by TikiWiki CMS/Groupware" "Register"

Social Bookmarking Platforms Foot Prints - Part 1


Pligg Foot Prints:

inurl:"/register.php" "published news" "upcoming news" "submit a new story" "groups" "register"

inurl:"/upcoming.php" "published news" "upcoming news" "submit a new story" "groups" "register"

inurl:"/groups.php" "published news" "upcoming news" "submit a new story" "groups" "register"

inurl:"/submit.php" "published news" "upcoming news" "submit a new story" "groups" "register"

inurl:"/index.php" "published news" "upcoming news" "submit a new story" "groups" "register"

inurl:"/live.php" "published news" "upcoming news" "submit a new story" "groups" "register"

inurl:"/cloud.php" "published news" "upcoming news" "submit a new story" "groups" "register"

inurl:"/topusers.php" "published news" "upcoming news" "submit a new story" "groups" "register"

inurl:"/advancedsearch.php" "published news" "upcoming news" "submit a new story" "groups" "register"

"powered by pligg" "published news" "upcoming news" "submit a new story" "groups" "register"

"powered by pligg" "register"

"powered by pligg" inurl:"/register.php"

"powered by pligg" inurl:"/submit.php"

inurl:/login.php?return=/submit.php "pligg content management system"

inurl:"/login.php?return=/submit.php" "published news" "upcoming news" "submit a new story" "groups"

inurl:/login.php?return=/submit.php "create a new account"

"pligg is an open source content management system that lets you easily create your own social network" "create a new account"

"pligg is an open source content management system that lets you easily create your own social network" "register"

"submit a new story" "unique news url" "register" "news source"

GetBoo Footprints:

"stored on GetBoo"

"Get your bookmarks!" getboo

inurl:"/newuser.php" "Register" "All fields in bold are mandatory" "They must also respect the size limits"

PHPDug Foot prints:

"Powered By PHPDug" "Join" "Login" "Submit Story"

"Powered By PHPDug" "Join"

"Powered By PHPDug" "Signup"

inurl:"/story.php?id=" "Join" "PHPDug"

inurl:"/story.php?id=" "Singup" "PHPDug"

"Powered By PHPDug" inurl:"/signup.php"

"Powered By PHPDug" inurl:"/login.php" "join"

"Powered By PHPDug" inurl:/add_story.php "Join"

Scuttle Footprints:


"Propulsed by" "SemanticScuttle" inurl:"/register.php"

"Propulsed by" "SemanticScuttle" inurl:"/register"

"Propulsed by" "SemanticScuttle" "Register" -"No bookmarks available"

"Propulsed by" "SemanticScuttle" "Register"

"SemanticScuttle" inurl:"/register.php"

Forum Platform Foot Prints - Part II


MyBB Foot Prints:

"Powered By MyBB" "Register"

"Powered By MyBB"

"2002-2013 MyBB Group" "Register"

"2002 - 2012 MyBB Group" "Register"

"2002 - 2011 MyBB Group" "Register"

"2002 - 2010 MyBB Group" "Register"

inurl:/forum/member.php?action=register "Powered By MyBB"

"Powered By MyBB" "By continuing with the sign up process you agree to the above rules and any others that the Administrator specifies."

MVN Forum Foot Prints:


"Powered by mvnForum" -"Cannot register new member because NEW_MEMBER feature is disabled by administrator."

"Powered by mvnForum" -"Cannot register new member"

"Powered by mvnForum" inurl:registermember

"New User" "Powered by mvnForum"

"Powered by mvnForum" "Register"

"Powered by mvnForum" -"You may go back now and try again"

"Powered by mvnForum" -"No se puede registrar un nuevo usuario pues dicha funcionalidad"

UseBB Foot Prints:

"powered by UseBB" "Register"

inurl:/forums/usebb/ "Register"

inurl:/panel.php?act=register "powered by UseBB"

"powered by UseBB" -"No new users allowed at this time"

"Forum is powered by UseBB" "Register"

YaBB Foot Prints:


"Powered by YaBB" "Register"

"Powered by YaBB" -"This board has been closed"

inurl:/cgi-bin/yabb2/ "Powered by YaBB"

"Powered by YaBB 1" "Register"

"Powered by YaBB 2" "Register"

inurl:/yabb/YaBB "Register"

Phpbb Foot Prints:

inurl:?mode=register "Powered by phpBB"

"phpBB Group" inurl:register

"Powered by phpBB" "Register"

inurl:/phpBB/index.php "Register"

inurl:/phpBB/ "Register"

Forum Platforms Foot Prints: Part - 1


EE Footprints: Expression Engine

"Powered by ExpressionEngine" "Register"

inurl:/forums/member/register/ "Powered by ExpressionEngine"

inurl:forum/member/register/ "Powered by ExpressionEngine"

inurl:member/register/ "Powered by ExpressionEngine"

inurl:"/register/" "Powered by ExpressionEngine"

"Powered by ExpressionEngine" inurl:/forums/ -"REGISTRATION CLOSED"

inurl:/profile/register/ "Powered by ExpressionEngine"

"Powered by ExpressionEngine" "Member Registration" "Username" "Password" "Password Confirm"

"Powered by ExpressionEngine" "Member Registration" "Email" "URL" "First Name" "Last Name"

"Powered by ExpressionEngine" inurl:/signup

"Powered by ExpressionEngine" inurl:/bio-member/register/

inurl:/forums/member/register/ -"New membership accounts are not accepted at this time"

"Powered by ExpressionEngine" inurl:/member_settings/register/

SMF Footprints: Social Machine Forum

"Powered by SMF"

"Powered by SMF" "Search "Login" "Register"

"powered by Simple Machines"


"Powered by SMF" inurl:"register.php"

"Powered by SMF" "REGISTER"

"I accept the terms of the agreement and I am at least 14 years old." inurl:"/index.php?action=register"

"Powered by SMF" -"you are banned from this forum"

"Powered by SMF" "Sign up"

"Powered by SMF" "Search "Login" "Sign up"

PHP-Nuke Footprints:

"PHP-Nuke Copyright 2005 by Francisco Burzi" "create one"

"PHP-Nuke Copyright 2006 by Francisco Burzi" "create one"

"PHP-Nuke Copyright 2007 by Francisco Burzi" "create one"

"PHP-Nuke Copyright 2008 by Francisco Burzi" "create one"

"PHP-Nuke Copyright 2009 by Francisco Burzi" "create one"

"PHP-Nuke Copyright 2010 by Francisco Burzi" "create one"

"PHP-Nuke Copyright 2011 by Francisco Burzi" "create one"

"PHP-Nuke Copyright 2012 by Francisco Burzi" "create one"

"PHP-Nuke Copyright 2013 by Francisco Burzi" "create one"



VBulletin Footprints:

"Powered by vBulletin" "register"

"Powered by vBulletin" inurl:"/register.php?s="

"Powered by vBulletin" inurl:"/forums/register.php?s="

"Powered by vBulletin" inurl:"/forum/register.php?s="

High PR Directory Submission Footprints - Part - III


Open Classifieds Directory Foot Prints:

"Web Powered by Open Classifieds"

"Powered by Open Classifieds" inurl:"/OpenClassifieds/publish-new.html"

"Powered by Open Classifieds" inurl:"/OpenClassifieds/

"Web Powered by Open Classifieds" inurl:"/publish-new.html"

"Web Powered by Open Classifieds" "Publish new advertisement"

"Web Powered by Open Classifieds" "Publish new"

"Web Powered by Open Classifieds" "Publish new" "User account will be created"

Open Link Directory Foot Prints:

"Powered byOpen Link Directory" "Submit a link"

"powered by Open Link Directory" "Submit a link"

"powered by Open Link Directory" inurl:"/submit.php"

"powered by Open Link Directory" inurl:"/submit.php?cat_id="

"powered by Open Link Directory" "Regular Link"

Particle Links Directory Foot Prints:

"Powered by Particle Links" inurl:"/directory/"


"Powered by Particle Links" "Suggest URL"

"Powered by Particle Links" "Suggest Topic"

php Link Directory Directory Foot Prints:

"Powered by php Link Directory" inurl:"/submit.php"

"Powered by php Link Directory" "Regular link"

"Powered by php Link Directory" "Submit Link"

"Powered by php Link Directory" "Site Information" "Optional Site Information"

"Powered by php Link Directory" inurl:"/submit.php" -"Regular links with reciprocal"

"Powered by: PHP Link Directory" inurl:"/submit.php"

"Powered by: PHP Link Directory" "Regular link"

"Powered by: PHP Link Directory" "Submit Link"

Directory Submission Sites Foot Prints New** - Part - II


FFA Directory Foot Prints:

"powered by FFA Blaster"

"powered by FFA"


inurl:"/ffa/" "Add My Link"

inurl:"/ffa/" "Web Site Title" "Web Site URL"

Freeglobes Foot Prints:

"Proudly powered by Freeglobes"

"Proudly powered by Freeglobes" "Basic submission"

"Proudly powered by Freeglobes" "Add Website"

"Proudly powered by Freeglobes" "Submit a site"

"Proudly powered by Freeglobes" inurl:"/choosepack.html"

"Proudly powered by Freeglobes" inurl:"/index.php?do=basic"

"Proudly powered by Freeglobes" inurl:"/index.php?do=basic" -"Submissions are temporarily closed"

"powered by Freeglobes"

"powered by Freeglobes" "Basic submission"

"powered by Freeglobes" "Add Website"

"powered by Freeglobes" "Submit a site"

"powered by Freeglobes" inurl:"/choosepack.html"

"powered by Freeglobes" inurl:"/index.php?do=basic"

"powered by Freeglobes" inurl:"/index.php?do=basic" -"Submissions are temporarily closed"

HubDir Directory Footprints:

"Powered by HubDir PHP directory script" "Submit Link"

"Powered by HubDir PHP directory script" inurl:"/submit"

"Powered by HubDir PHP directory script" "Submit a link"

"Powered by HubDir PHP directory script" "Add a link"

indexU FootPrints:

"Powered by INDEXU" inurl:"/add.php"

"Powered by INDEXU" "Submit new listing"

"Powered by INDEXU" "Basic Listing - FREE"

"Powered by Indexu" "Submit"

"Powered by Indexu" "Submit" "Request New Category"

Link Bid Script Foot Prints:

Not a free directory submission: Accepts only paid submission. Minimum bid of $1 is required.

"Powered by Link Bid Script" inurl:"/submit.php?su_categ="

"Powered by Link Bid Script" "buy a link"

"Powered by Link Bid Script" inurl:"/buylink.php"

Directory Submission Platform Footprints part - I


cpDynaLinks Footprints:

"Powered by cpDynaLinks" "Add Script/Link"

"powered by cpdynalinks"

Directory Script Footprints:

"Powered by Directory Script" "Submit Link"

inurl:"/submit.php" "Powered by Directory Script"

"Powered by Directory Script" inurl:"/submit.php?su_categ="

"Powered by Directory Script by PHP Link Directory" "Submit Link"

"Powered by Directory Script by PHP Link Directory" "Submit Site"

"Powered by Directory Script by PHP Link Directory" inurl:"/submit.php"

EasyLink Footprints:

"Engine powered by easyLink" "Add a Listing"

"powered by easyLink" "Add a Listing"

inurl:"/add_link.php" "powered by easyLink"

"Engine powered by easyLink" inurl:"/add_link.php"

"Engine powered by easyLink v2.6.4" "Add a Listing"

"Engine powered by easyLink v2.6.4" "Add new site"

"Engine powered by easyLink v2.6.4" inurl:"/add_link.php"

eSyndiCat Footprints:

"eSyndiCat Directory Software" "Suggest listing"

"Powered by eSyndiCat" "Suggest listing"

"Powered by eSyndiCat" inurl:"/suggest-listing.php?id="

"eSyndiCat Directory Software" inurl:"/suggest-listing.php?id="

"eSyndiCat Directory Software" inurl:"/suggest-listing.php?cid="

"Powered by eSyndiCat" inurl:"/suggest-listing.php?cid="

"Powered by eSyndiCat" inurl:"/suggest-listing.php"

"eSyndiCat Directory Software" inurl:"/suggest-listing.php"

"Powered by eSyndiCat Directory Software" "Suggest listing"

Article Submission Platforms Foot Prints - Part II


Article Dashboard Foot Prints:

"Powered by Article Dashboard" "Sign Up"

"Powered by Article Dashboard" "Sign Up" "Submit Articles"

"Sign Up for a free account" "Powered by Article Dashboard"

"Powered by Article Dashboard" -"Sorry, temporarily we do not accept new articles." "Sign Up"

"Powered by Article Dashboard" inurl:"/signup.php"

Article Friendly Foot Prints:

inurl:"/joining.php" "powered by article friendly"

"powered by article friendly" "Sign up"

"powered by article friendly" "Sign up" "Submit Articles"

inurl:"/signup.php" "powered by article friendly"

"powered by article friendly" "Author Signup Form" "Submit Articles"

"Powered By: Article Friendly" inurl:"/signup.php"

"Powered By: Article Friendly Ultimate" inurl:"/signup.php"

Article Script Foot Prints:


"Powered by Article Script" "Create one"

"Powered by Article Script" "Create one" "News"

"Article Script - Powered By Article Marketing" "inurl:"/login.php"

"Article Script - Powered By Article Marketing" "Register to submit your articles"

Article MS Foot Prints:

"powered by articlems" inurl:/register/

"powered by articlems" "Register" "Submit"

"powered by articlems" "Register" "Default HomePage"

"powered by articlems" "Register"

"" "Register" "powered by articlems"

Image Commenting Foot Prints - Part - I


Coppermine Photo Gallery Footprints:

"powered by coppermine photo gallery" "add your comment"

"powered by coppermine photo gallery" inurl:"/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=" "add your comment"

"powered by coppermine photo gallery" inurl:"/photos/displayimage.php?pid=" "add your comment"

"powered by coppermine photo gallery" inurl:"/displayimage.php?pid=" "add your comment"

"powered by coppermine photo gallery" inurl:"coppermine/displayimage.php?pid=" "add your comment"

"powered by coppermine photo gallery" inurl:"/Photo_Gallery/displayimage.php?pid=" "add your comment"

"powered by coppermine photo gallery" inurl:"/displayimage.php?album=" "add your comment"

"powered by coppermine photo gallery" -"Log in to post your comment"

Datso Gallery Foot Prints:

inurl:"datsogallery" inurl:"Itemid=" "COMMENTS"

inurl:"datsogallery" "COMMENTS"

"Your Comment" inurl:"datsogallery"

4Images Foot Prints:

"Powered by 4images" inurl:/details.php?image_id=

"Powered by 4images" inurl:/details.php?image_id= "Post comment"

inurl:"/gallery/details.php?image_id=" "Powered by 4images"

inurl:"/gallery/details.php?image_id=" "Powered by 4images" "There are no comments for this image"

inurl:"/galerias/details.php?image_id=" "Powered by 4images" "There are no comments for this image"

Gallery v2 Foot Prints:

"powered by gallery v2" "add comment"

inurl:"gallery2" "powered by gallery v2"

inurl:"/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=" "powered by gallery v2"

inurl:"AddComment" "powered by gallery v2"


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