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Problem z zakodowaniem keygena.


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Czy ktoś mógłby mi wytłumaczyć (najlepiej podać gotowy kod do VB :P ) jak zakodować w keygenie takie cuś :D 

Tzn. aby po kliknięciu w buton "Generate" progressbar rozpoczął się ładować i pojawiał się ten napis "Connecting to Servers" (chyba jest to label) oraz aby pojawił się wygenerowany KEY :)

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Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 1 Then
            Label4.Text = "Generating Code."
            Timer2.Interval = 100
        End If
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 5 Then
            Label4.Text = "Generating Code.."
            Timer2.Interval = 400
        End If
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 10 Then
            Label4.Text = "Generating Code..."
            Timer2.Interval = 200
        End If
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 15 Then
            Label4.Text = "Generating Code."
            Timer2.Interval = 200
        End If
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 20 Then
            Label4.Text = "Generating Code.."
            Timer2.Interval = 200
        End If
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 25 Then
            Label4.Text = "Generating Code..."
            Timer2.Interval = 200
        End If
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 30 Then
            Label4.Text = "Generating Code."
            Timer2.Interval = 100
        End If
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 35 Then
            Label4.Text = "Generating Code.."
            Timer2.Interval = 100
        End If
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 40 Then
            Label4.Text = "Generating Code..."
            Timer2.Interval = 100
        End If
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 45 Then
            Label4.Text = "Generating Code."
            Timer2.Interval = 200
        End If
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 50 Then
            Label4.Text = "Generating Code.."
            Timer2.Interval = 400
        End If
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 55 Then
            Label4.Text = "Generating Code..."
            Timer2.Interval = 400
        End If
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 60 Then
            Label4.Text = "Generating Code."
            Timer2.Interval = 400
        End If
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 65 Then
            Label4.Text = "Generating Code.."
            Timer2.Interval = 400
        End If
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 70 Then
            Label4.Text = "Generating Code..."
            Timer2.Interval = 150
        End If
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 75 Then
            Label4.Text = "Generating Code."
            Timer2.Interval = 150
        End If
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 80 Then
            Label4.Text = "Generating Code.."
            Timer2.Interval = 150
        End If
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 85 Then
            Label4.Text = "Generating Code..."
            Timer2.Interval = 150
        End If
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 90 Then
            Label4.Text = "Generating Code."
            Timer2.Interval = 500
        End If
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 95 Then
            Label4.Text = "Generating Code.."
            Timer2.Interval = 500
        End If
        If ProgressBar2.Value = 100 Then
            Label4.ForeColor = Color.Green
            Label4.Text = "Code Generated!"
            Dim key As Integer
            key = (Rnd() * 4 + 1)
            Select Case key
                Case 1
                    TextBox1.Text = "GA3X KGG5 FPT3 FT21"
                Case 2
                    TextBox1.Text = "MLS4 LBU3 KH04 XCA2"
                Case 3
                    TextBox1.Text = "LVI3 DJJ3 VIS1 LGU7"
                Case 4
                    TextBox1.Text = "KAD6 PGO4 LER3 XBN3"
            End Select
        End If
    End Sub

  • Super 1
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